
782 entradas de blog encontradas






A Bug’s Life in Svalbard

When you think about Svalbard wildlife, you might imagine reindeer, Arctic foxes, polar bears – the primary animal attractions that draw pas

OTL12-17, trip log, Around Spitsbergen

This morning the weather was moody and atmospheric, a true testament to arctic summer with low lying fog and mist. We were woken early with

Polar Cruises: The Ultimate Icebreakers

Travel is one of life’s great eye openers. It brings you into contact with new people and perspectives, challenges old assumptions you haven

PLA11-17, logbuch, Spitzbergen Umrundung

Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück erklärten uns Katja und Phillip die richtigen Verhaltensweisen bei Landungen im Eisbärgebiet, zusammen mit

5 Life Lessons You'll Learn in Antarctica

Whether you’re climbing mountains, buying lunch in a foreign city, or taking an Antarctic cruise, you’re not only learning more about the wo

A Thankful Tradition: Interview with Captain Nazarov

It takes a village to run a polar cruise. The guides show us the terrain, the serving staff keeps us fed, and the passengers make sure the b

10 Traits of Post-Ice-Age Greenland

During the last ice age, most plants and animals vanished from Greenland as a thick sheath of ice coated the landscape. Once this ice starte

15 Fantastic Photos of Antarctica

It's often said that it is impossible to take a bad photo in Antarctica. We'll say it again.

Remembrance of Expeditions Past

Today I sit in the sun, thinking back on the years I spent with my Oceanwide family since my retirement in 1997. My first trips were on a li

PLA08-17, trip log, North Spitsbergen, Polar Bear Special

Our first stop of the trip was in Yoldiabukta where we saw the beautiful Wahlenberg glacier coming down from the mountains all the way to th

The Enchanting Islands of Svalbard

Here we showcase the many wonders that keep people coming back to the islands of Svalbard year after year.

An igneous paradise: Franklin Island

Franklin Island is located in the Ross Sea. It's not just a pile of volcanic rubble, but actually remnants of a shield volcano. Read on and

PLA07-17, trip log, North Spitsbergen, Polar Bear Special

For those of us who had never been on a cruise before, any fears of moving water and moved stomachs were totally unfounded – the Arctic sea

OTL07-17, trip log, Spitsbergen: Polar Bear Special

Our overnight journey was so smooth that it seemed as if our ship was alongside the dock! Follow-ing a leisurely breakfast we attended two m

Ortelius on My Mind

Imagine having an alarm clock that didn’t wake you with the usual BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! but instead purred gently into your ear, “Good morning.

PLA06-17, trip log, North Spitsbergen, Polar Bear Special

As we were reaching the Western end of the fjord and finishing dinner, Michael cleared the dining room by announcing "Blue whale!" We all r

OTL06-17, trip log, Spitsbergen: Polar Bear Special

Snow buntings sang their lovely musical songs on the high ground, Rock Ptarmigan, still in white winter plumage circled around and Arctic sk

PLA05-17, trip log, North Spitsbergen, Polar Bear Special

After a nice, calm night cruising southwards, we had not counted on being woken up before the scheduled wake-up call, but we were, and with

OTL05-17, logbuch, Nord-Spitzbergen Eisbär Spezial

Allmählich kamen wir in Expeditionsstimmung! Unterdessen hatte sich die Ortelius der Nordwest-ecke Spitzbergens genähert, und der Kapitän st

Weddell Sea: the Original Antarctic Adventure

According to the historian Thomas R. Henry, you have to be brave to visit the Weddell Sea. In 1950 he wrote in his book, The White Continent

Polar Diving: A Supreme Underwater Adventure

If you’ve ever gone diving in warm, tropical waters you know how exciting that can be. In the ocean’s depths you’ll be met with an array of
