durch Emiel Mostert
Abreise in March 2019
Travelling on a cruise into the Antarctic. Now there were expectations, I am not much of a person to go on a cruise. To massive, sailing hotels, not my thing and going on an outing like sheep changing fields, it terrifies me. Now reading a bit more about this cruise, I discovered it was an expedition cruise. That meant having field trips in zodiacs, cruises in these rubber boats too. And just over a hundred passengers. But what to expect? An occasional whale, some penguins, seals and lots of ice. Well that was what I expected and hoped for. It was much more and so spectacular. How flippin’ rich are those who go on this trip, I don’t mean money-wise, but being able to all take it in, the great experience. The passion of the scientists is contagious. I am 69 and this journey is for me the ultimate experience, if I die tomorrow, it is fine, but oddly enough, I want to live more than ever before, I have become more aware of life. Just do it.
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