Incredible trip

von Steven Floyd

Departure in December 2023

The trip was absolute perfection. The staff are wonderful and the excursions are fun. Really not a single complaint about that aspect of the trip. The one complaint I do have is that they don't test for Covid and someone clearly had it on our ship because the last day I contracted it and now the whole family is suffering. It wouldn't be too much to ask to test 150 people since it's a cruise that lasts two weeks.


Kommentar von Oceanwide Expeditions

Thank you for your feedback. We are very sorry to hear you and your family contracted COVID. There is still unfortunately a small risk of this, since the current conditions in our areas of operation do not demand regular COVID testing. Based on local guidelines and advice from the WHO, the testing of 150+ passengers is not proportionate to the current level of risk.

We nonetheless keep testing kits on all vessels, and if need be, our onboard doctors are responsible for testing guests and recommending additional measures. This management plan is fully approved and in accordance with cruise industry guidelines. That said, we are still sorry to learn that you and your family took ill following your trip. We are happy the rest of your voyage went well.

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