
A Moveable Feast: Interview with a Polar Cruise Chef

Polar cruises are luxurious, but they aren’t luxury cruises. The beds are wonderfully comfortable, but nobody expects goose-down pillows.

OTL21-18, trip log, Falkland Islands Exclusive

On a sunny, balmy day we made our way towards the pier in Puerto Madryn. Shuttle buses took us to where our home for the next ten days was w

Arctic Mythology: Inuit, Saami, and the Ancient Greeks

The Arctic locations we visit aren’t merely made up of phenomenal landscapes, exotic wildlife, and more adventure than a Hardy Boys novel. T

Two for the Snow: Polar Cruises for Couples

You know the old saying, “Cold hands, warm heart.” We’re not doctors or anything, but in our opinion that bodes well for couples who visit t

The Seven Best Things to Do in Antarctica

Unless you’re a scientist, there’s no such thing as a means-to-an-end trip to Antarctica. Merely being there is reason enough to make the jo

Keep It Green: Our Commitment to Sustainable Polar Travel

It doesn’t make much sense for polar travel if every time we visit the Arctic and Antarctica we leave them worse than we found them. And tha


Oceanwide Expeditions begann seine unglaubliche Reise im Jahr 1993 mit einem Universitären Forschungsprojekt in den nördlichen Niederlanden.

A New Take on North Norway

Having returned from a week in Northern Norway on s/v Noorderlicht, my husband and I felt the need to write a trip log of our experiences. (

Polar Mountain High: Interview with a Ski and Mountaineering Guide

There are good jobs, and there are great jobs. And then there are jobs where you climb mountains and ski back down them and get paid for it.

No Landing Today

Together with some 100 fellow passengers, I am aboard the vessel Ortelius on a whale safari to Fair Isle, Jan Mayen, and Svalbard.

Five Reasons You Should Cruise the Ross Sea Immediately

In our quest for the little-known holiday destination (that’s still popular enough to have its own fully developed spa and gift shop), we tr

Plancius and the Polar Bug

Standing on the outer deck of Plancius as we sailed out of Longyearbyen, I looked down to see a puffin staring back at me. It was bobbing ne

Why a Polar Diving Cruise Should be Your Next Great Decision

Not so very long ago, all you had to do to qualify as a thrill-seeker was hop a ship to the polar regions and make it back with all your fin

PLA17-18, logbuch, Ostgrönland und Aurora Borealis

Doch kurz bevor wir hinausgehen, ertönt die Durchsage, dass ein zweiter Eisbär entdeckt wurde – dieses Mal auf einem etwas weiter entfernten

Research in the Arctic

At Wageningen Marine Research, we are working with our international partners to monitor ecological changes in the Arctic. Our research on t

PLA16-18, logbuch, Spitzbergen, Nord Grönland und Aurora Borealis

Der erste Expeditionstag. Wir sind alle sehr gespannt. Viele neue Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse liegen vor uns und es gibt jede Menge Neues zu

Es war meine erste Expeditionsfahrt überhaupt und sie hinterliess tiefe Spuren in mir

Dies betraf nicht nur die perfekte Organisation an Bord, die abwechslungsreiche Verpflegung, das zwanglose Miteinander von Crew und Reisende

Six Must-See Svalbard Sites

It’s home to humanity’s last-ditch supply of crop seeds, the world’s northernmost settlement over 1,000 people, and is one of the best place

PLA15-18, trip log, Northern Spitsbergen

Spitsbergen means ‘pointy mountains’ in Dutch. On our way north through Smeerenburgfjorden we spotted a group of about 20 Walrus hauled out

Where the Polar Bears Roam

Going to the Arctic without clapping eyes on a real-life polar bear might reasonably be compared to visiting Africa without seeing a giraffe

15 Falklands Bird Photos

Few places offer as unique and abundant a selection of birds, particularly seabirds, as the remote sub-Antarctic archipelago of the Falkland