Five Must-See Tips for Top Partner Potential

by Oceanwide Expeditions Partner

Five Must-See Tips for Top Partner Potential

Our website portal exists to facilitate your partner relationship with Oceanwide Expeditions, but to get the most out of the available functions it helps to have a little know-how. Here are five useful tips for maximizing the value of your access.

Tip 1: Know What’s Available – and When

Are you close to zeroing in on a cruise but still unsure what cabins and activities are up for grabs? The partner portal home page has you covered, displaying an auto-updated view of all available cabins and activities.

Tip 2: Pick Your Pics by Cruise and Vessel

A picture really can be worth a thousand words, and our Partner Portal makes finding the right photo a quick and easy process. Simply click on Photo & Video, then select Photo from the drop-down menu to access our full gallery.

These pictures in our gallery are sorted by type (for example, “photos per trip”) in a menu on the left-hand side of the screen. If you know the trip code for the cruise you want pictures from, just enter it into the search bar and you’ll be directed into the folder containing that cruise’s pictures. You can also scroll down to your desired trip code, click on the trip title, and select the photos you want to download (all or individual photos).

Tip 3: Pocket the All-Important Itinerary

Award-worthy pictures and Dickensian descriptions have their place, but sometimes nothing beats the basics when it comes to finding the right cruise. To access and download PDFs of our day-by-day itineraries (as well as date-and-rate info, forms, trip logs, forms, and other content), just click on Downloads at the top menu. This will take you to a page that displays all the content you can download. Search by entering the file name into the field provided, or you can use the drop-down Category menu to the right to narrow your download options to the type of file you want.

Tip 4: Make Our Videos Your Videos

Even the best pics are no substitute for personally standing in the polar landscape, feeling the cold bite of the air, hearing the ambient snap of shifting ice – though videos come a bit closer. You can find the videos of several locations and activities by clicking on Photo & Video and selecting Video. Displayed on this page are all the videos you can watch and download. Feel free to post any of them on your website, stamped with your company logo.

Tip 5: Get Down to the Bottom Line

When you want the details of your bookings, you can find them by selecting Bookings and then Bookings History from the drop-down menu at the top of the window. You’ll then see a full list of all the bookings you have made, complete with their respective invoices.

The Bookings menu also contains the Financial Overview, where you can see all the bookings you have made, their deposit payments, and their balance payments. 

Using your partner account, you can also make an online booking in the Bookings menu by clicking Book a Cruise. You can make a booking under your agency account as well, as long as you are logged in.

Lastly, you can also download cruise summaries from our Partner Portal. If you are logged in, just click Book a Cruise, click on a particular cruise in the cruise overview, and download that cruise’s summary. The summary contains the detailed itinerary, activities, cabin info, booking prices, and other info you can forward to your client(s).

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