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Antarctica in Pictures: Photos from 2018

by Oceanwide Expeditions Blog

Regionen: Antarktis

Antarctica pictures from 2018

Pictures are a poor substitute for any experience, and that's especially true for experiences that take place in Antarctica.

Nonetheless, as another year narrows to a close, we invite you to join us in celebrating Antarctica's photographic majesty by perusing this hand-picked selection of polar pictures taken during our 2018 Antarctica trips.

Until the day you join us on one of those trips yourself, that is.

1. The seabirds of the Drake Passage

2. Wilhelmina Bay whale spouts

3. Antarctic kayaking at Waterboat Point

4. A posing chinstrap penguin at Whalers Bay

5. Jougla Point glacier-side hikes

6. A humpback whale at Orne Harbor

7. Cruising the Antarctic ice pack of Crystal Sound

8. The life of a lounging leopard seal

9. Curious gentoo penguins at Cuverville Island

10. Leaping Lemaire Channel crabeater seals

11. A cackling crabeater seal

12. Snowshoeing at Antarctica's Brown Station

13. An argument between elephant seals

14. Overworked gentoo chicks

15. Ortelius in the fog of Maxwell Bay

16. A gliding black-browed albatross

17. Special vows in a special place

18. Camping under the skies of Antarctica

19. A wandering albatross over Antarctic waves

20. Antarctica-style shoreline strolls

21. Deception Island deep dive

22. The emperor penguins of Snow Hill Island

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