
Overall rating based on 1 179 votes
Overall rating based on 1 179 votes




Activités de plein air


La faune


The Svalbard Arctic expedition cruise was an excellent experience of the Arctic environment and the current climatic pressures affecting the flora and fauna of the area. The facilities on the ship were well set-up and cleaned regularly. The meals were very good with a good choice of options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the catering staff were always helpful and friendly. The expedition staff were all knowledgeable in their varied fields and the presentations were informative. The organisation of the zodiac cruises and landing were professionally handled. We saw 6 polar bears in close proximity (incl. 2 cubs), walruses, seals, arctic foxes, and lots of birds. I would recommend this cruise to anyone wanting a real Arctic experience

Polar bear special - and it was - a group of 3 adults feeding on sea ice and a mother and 2 cubs frolicking on an island. It was glorious. The scenery, the walruses, birds, flora, the majestic scenes of sea ice and glaciers. Unforgettable. many excursions in the zodiacs brought all up close. The guides were fantastic and the daily briefings on the wildlife were very informative. Learned lots. The hotel staff and crew super. Food well prepared with a good choice. A perfect adventure.

Absolutely loved the trip. Beautiful places to explore, monumental glaciers and breathtaking beauty to be experienced.

It was very good and I really enjoyed it. Good guides, expedition leader en good decisions that made it an awesome trip. Got a good view of Spitsbergen.

Die Reise "Ins Eisbärenland" war ein grandioses Erlebnis! Jeder Cent war es wert, die Mannschaft und das Exkursionsteam haben alles erdenkliche versucht, uns ein unvergessliches Urlaubserlebnis zu gestalten - vielen Dank dafür!

The trip was an amazing experience. The ship was perfect for the trip, the crew and service personel were extremely polite and helpful and delivered an experience of a lifetime. Thank you Oceanwide !!

This trip was advertised as "The best opportunity to spot the King of the Arctic." It was called North Spitsbergen, Polar Bear Special. We only saw one polar bear. A friend of mine was on a cruise with Hertigruten cruise line at exactly the same time and saw 7 polar bears. She left Longyearben on June 15, 2018 just as I did and travelled the same area. The passengers I spoke to were all disappointed. Had the cruise been called "Arctic Adventure," I think our expectations would have been different as it was indeed a lovely Arctic adventure. However, since Oceanside placed such great emphasis on the polar bears, we all had high expectations. Many of us chose this cruise specifically because of Oceanwide's advertisements and material. Now I wish I had chosen another cruise line. We did not spend much time looking for polar bears but rather did more landings where staff was making sure there were no polar bears because of safety. I loved the landings but again, my priority was polar bears.

Excellent in all respects. Very professional and knowledgeable expedition staff led by Misha. Itinerary well-judged to maximise opportunities for viewing Polar Bear and other wildlife. Food and accommodation all good and staff very friendly and helpful. Would recommend and would travel on Plancius again.

Die gesamte Reise war etwas vom Wetter getrübt. Trotz bedecktem Wetter interessante Touren und spektakuläre Aussichten. Schiff und Kabinen sehr sauber, sehr freundliches und zuvorkommendes Team vom Zimmerservice, Speisesaal und Bar sehr nettes und aufmerksames Personal . Tolle Guides die mit Freude ihre Arbeit verrichtet haben.

Es war eine ganz tolle Reise. Alles war perfekt Organisiert. Das Schiff, die Crew ,der Service, die Landausflüge. Ich würde die Reise genau so wieder machen. Das Gesamtkonzept hat gestimmt

Nachdem wir 2 Tage sehr erfolglos und frustriert nach dem König der Arktis gesucht haben, wurden wir gleich mit mehreren Eisbären belohnt. Ein Bär fing sogar vor unseren Augen eine Robbe und verspeiste sie. Wir sahen außerdem unterwegs Robben, einen Polarfuchs, Lummen u.a. Vögel, Rentiere und viele Walrosse. Rinie, der Teamleiter gab alles, damit wir viel sehen konnten. Das Schiff fuhr uns durch Packeis und Treibeis und alles bei einer wunderschönen Kulisse mit weißen Bergen und knallblauem Meer. Das Essen war ausgesprochen gut und abwechslungsreich. Die Zidiacfahrten waren besonders spannend. Da wir 2 Tage starken Wind hatten, waren diese Tage leider langweilig vielleicht könnte man diese dann auf dem Schiff besser gestalten.

It was a very great time with amazing impressions and many new experiences. To learn about this region was very interesting and changes my look to the wide white world on our planet.

Es war eine atemberaubende Erfahrung und ein spitzen Erlebnis. Die Crew des Schiffes professionell und der Expeditionsleiter mit seinem Team waren mehr als nur engagiert, Sie haben sich so viel Mühe gegeben, damit wir dann endlich nach 2 Tagen der Suche die Eisbären gefunden haben. Für mich war es eine wahnsinnige Erfahrung in dieser einzigartigen Landschaft zu cruisen. Die Stille und die Abgeschiedenheit jeglicher Korrespondenz mit der Außenwelt hatte ich so nicht erwartet. Unser Expeditionstour hat uns die Tierwelt vor die Füße gelegt. Wir haben sogar einen Blauwal gesehen. Der Gang zu den Walrossen war umwerfend. Die Tierbeobachtungen jeden Tag haben so viel Spaß gemacht. Schade, dass diese Woche so schnell vorbei gegangen ist.

it was a overwhelming travel in the rough beauty of the north. The landscape was as endless like the silence. The clouds on the heaven and the rare sunshine make breathtaking pictures. For me it was astonishing to see so few animals. And the big polarbear looks so tiny in the huge landscape. Our crew was so experienced, charming and friendly. The meals were excellent.

Eine der besten Reisen, die ich je gemacht habe. Alle an Board waren super freundlich und haben ihr Bestes gegeben, die Tour zu einem einzigartigen und unvergesslichen Erlebnis zu machen. Der Abschied von Spitzbergen ist und schwer gefallen!
