
Valoración general basada en 1.084 votos
Valoración general basada en 1.084 votos




Actividades al aire libre




por Jeff Hersh
Expedition guides, even the ship doctor, were so informative and friendly!
por isabelle colle
fantastic holiday
por Maria Ángeles Dueñas
It has been a wonderful and awesome voyage. I saw so many Artic animals ( blue whales, artic fox, puffings, lovely birds, walrus …….and the star for me was Polar bears I saw 8 of them , it was like a dream .I am very happy and satisfied with my voyage. I highly recommend it.
I travel much but this was really one of the best trips. Everything was just perfect. I had wonderful ladies I shared my cabin with (famous room no.205). Furthermore, we enjoyed a very friendly and capable crew. Thank you to all of them. The food on the Plancius was excellent and all the staff did a fantastic job! I will be back for sure, the sooner the better :).
por Samuel Vogt
Geniale Reise mit einem exzellenten Expedition-Team und einer hervorragenden Crew. Absolut empfehlenswert!

Tierwelt und Natur allgemein waren überwältigend, sämtliche Crew-Mitglieder waren immer freundlich und hilfsbereit, die Guides aufmerksam und verfügten über fundiertes Wissen

Bin sehr froh die Reise gemacht zu haben. War für mich mit 83 Jahren teilweise sehr anstrengend, hatte aber wunderschöne Naturerlebnisse. Vor allem die Begegnungen mit Eisbären und Walrössern sind unvergesslich.

por Holly Hammond
From day one till the end this trip was absolutely fantastic. A big thank you to the whole crew and expedition Team who made this trip a once in a lifetime experience!!! Thank you so much - I can highly recommend Oceanwide Expeditions.
por Alexandra Reimann
Ich bin mit meinem Vater mitgereist. Und es war eine sagenhafte Reise, wir hätten niemals gedacht das wir so viel bestaunen dürfen und das ich so traumhafte Fotos der Tierwelt bekomme. Das Team war fantastisch und hat alles gegeben um uns alles zu zeigen trotz der wechselnden Wetterbedingungen. Ich bin unheimlich dankbar das erlebt zu haben und kann es jedem nur Wärmstens empfehlen ! Ein absolut tolles Schiff mit super Personal ob an Deck oder unter Deck. Jeder hat die Reise zu etwas ganz besonderem gemacht ! Danke Oceanwide !!
por Annchen Fleger
por Veronica Englishby
An amazing voyage which exceeded expectations in terms of wildlife, education and wonderful people. The food was excellent too.
Once again thank you Oceanwide for another fantastic trip around the Svalbard archipelago. The ship, the crew and staff were all exceptional and the expedition leader and all the guides were first class. This was the third time we've been on this trip over the past 8 years everyone has exceeded our expectations.
All well organised. Communications could have been better e.g. when polar bear was sighted we werent advised for nearly an hour (it was at night). Food & ship's staff were brilliant, inside ship was very warm and no way to cool down bedrooms, room was ok but layout of 2 beds with a stranger was poor. Most of expedition staff were very short term and not as committed as on a previous voyage i had taken to South Atlantic. Chris Long was the exception and was very supportive. A good trip with lots of showings and some nice walks
From the cabin on the ship, to the fantastic food, the courteous crew, the fantastic tour guides, the great weather and the unbelievable animal sightings one can say that this was a perfect expedition. An incredible experience which is highly recommended.
por Ivo van Veen
The combination of good weather, the impressive scenery and the abundant variety of wildlife we spotted make this a journey to never forget. Combined with the excellent service on board it was very much worth it.