At the edge of the end of the World
por Tullio Bonicelli
Salida en July 2019
The trip on the Hondius met all my expectations.. the ship, brand new, was perfect..common areas were ample and the cabin was beyond my expectations... staff was great and the guides very knowledgeable....the trip itself was very interesting,.. the ice did not allow us to complete the foreseen route and some bad weather conditions imposed some last minutes changes tho the programme, but it was part of the experience to be at such high latitudes. for me, the highlight was the face to face meeting with a fat polar bear perfectly happy in her solitude on the ice pack... in particular, it will always remain in my memory the sight of the bear slowly going away from the ship, which she probably did not find so interesting after all, to rejoin the empty whiteness of her kingdom. some suggestions for improvements, some of the excursions were relatively "weak". In particular the one performed in Ny Alesund (the village itself was interesting!) which seemed to have been planned without a real focus and, in fact, the highlight was the landing of an aircraft :-) It was a beautiful trip and I am happy to have been part of it! Thanks to all the Hondius Team! Tullio
¿Ha estado en alguno de nuestros viajes?
Deje su propia reseña29 may. - 31 may., 2025
•Código del viaje: HDS01-25
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de: 300 USD
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•Código del viaje: HDS01b25
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