
782 entradas de blog encontradas






Hello, Hondius: Former Passengers Visit Our Future Vessel

It’s hard not to be flattered when our former passengers speak highly of our voyages, vessels, and staff. But it’s altogether impossible whe

El mejor viaje de nuestra vida

Estuvimos en Spitsbergen desde 1 al 10 de junio de este año 2.018, navegando en el precioso barco velero Rembrandt. Ha sido una experiencia

PLA08-18, trip log, Spitsbergen Polar Bear Special

Next to this was the much larger calving front of Smithbreen, and a few of us witnessed small calving events as chunks of ice fell from the

The First Float of m/v Hondius

On the morning of Saturday, June 9, a newly constructed polar expedition cruise vessel slid down the timber-and-steel slipway of a sprawling

Trip log, PLA07-18, Spitsbergen Polar Bear Special

At 3pm we had a lecture. Michael invited everyone to the lounge and organized a lecture and discussion about sea ice and how important it is

The Art of the Arctic: Interview with Udo Prinsen

Most of us lucky enough to visit the Arctic recognize instantly how picturesque it is, far more striking than even the most expertly capture

OTL06-18, trip log, North Spitsbergen – Polar Bear Special

During lunch we moved a little deeper into the Smeerenburgfjord towards Smeerenburg on Amsterdamøya. Here we went ashore for several differe

Bring out the Bowheads: Our Largest Whale Count in Years

Researchers aboard Oceanwide Expeditions vessel m/v Plancius spotted between 104—114 bowhead whales during a June 1st cruise along the east

PLA06-18, trip log, Spitsbergen - Polar Bear Special

This year is an unusual year for sea ice, the sea ice has been broken up and dispersed by the winds and melted away all around the island ve

OTL05-18, trip log, North Spitsbergen – Polar Bear Special

While the Expedition Staff handed us out the Rubberboots Ortelius sailed into the Raudfjord (Red fjord) for a planned landing in order to ge

PLA05-18, trip log, Ice Age 3 x 60

lounge or dining room. After a short afternoon break, we were arriving at 14th July Glacier, where we planned a combined landing and Zodia

OTL04-18, logbuch, Nordspitzbergen: Eisbären-Special

Die Wanderung bot atemberaubende Ausblicke auf die umliegende Landschaft mit schneebedeckten Bergen, steilen Klippen, tief eingeschnittenen

PLA04-18, trip log, North Spitsbergen Polar Bear Special

All of us went past the Trapper's hut used by Stockholm Sven (now used by the Sysselman), admiring the creativity involved in building from

OTL03-18, trip log, North Spitsbergen – Polar Bear Special

Turning eastward and then southward into the Woodfjord we reached the Liefdefjord. Zodiacs were launched and we set off for a zodiac cruise

A Diving Dream Fulfilled

Last January, Mark Hatter accomplished a dream he’d been training two years to fulfill. Booking his berth aboard our m/v Ortelius and making

OTL02-18, trip log, Fair Isle, Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen North Atlantic Odyssey – Whale

Once the ship docked, we quickly went through passport control on the quayside then boarded the two coaches for a quick architectural tour g

Polar Perfectionism: Interview with Captain Levakov

Turning our attention to the control room, we steal a few informative (and highly entertaining) moments with one of our most seasoned polar

Humpback Whales: the Stars of the Western Antarctic Peninsula

The marine ecosystem of the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) extends from the Bellingshausen Sea to the northern tip of the peninsula. The WAP

A New Flag for a Veteran Vessel, Ortelius

Vlissingen, located in the south western part of the Netherlands, has been Oceanwide Expeditions “Homeport” since the company was establish

How Arctic Wildlife Differs from Antarctic

While there are definite similarities between the north and south poles, at the same time, the two regions are vastly different. Though both

PLA35-18, trip log, Atlantic Odyssey 2018

As the day wore on, weather conditions deteriorated. The wind piped up to about 35-40 knots, still from the north, and the sea assumed a mor
