Trip of a lifetime
bij Burt Gwilliam
Vertrek in December 2022
bij Burt Gwilliam
Vertrek in December 2022
Regio: Het ultieme Antarctische avontuur
Bestemmingen: Antarctisch Schiereiland
Schip: m/v Ortelius
Highlights: Sneeuwschoenwandelen, Bergbeklimmen, Antarctisch kamperen, Kajakken, Poolduiken, Basecamp, Stormbandpinguïn, Krabbeneter, Zuidelijke Zeeolifant, Gewone Vinvis, Ezelspinguïn, Bultrug, Zwaardwalvis, Vaal Stormvogeltje, Dwergvinvis, Weddellzeehond, Wenkbrauwalbatros, Sneeuwstormvogel, Wandelen
Can't say enough about this trip. The destination was better than I could have imagine. But the crew and staff were world-class experts, adventurers - and were also fantastic human beings on top of it all. Sara's energy and efforts to make the trip as amazing as possible were unparalleled. Adam (expedition), Adam (kayaking), Bill (scottsman), Felicity (marine biologist), Shona (doctor), Barni (icelandic viking), Robin and Andy (mountaineers) - and others were fascinating to meet, hear their stories, learn from their experience. The crew were incredibly warm and friendly and helpful as well.
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