
Overall rating based on 1 179 votes
Overall rating based on 1 179 votes




Activités de plein air


La faune


Ich bin mit der Crew und dem Schiff sehr zufrieden, aber nicht mit Oceanwide. Leider wurde keine ausreichende medizinische Untersuchung vor der Reise durchgeführt. Es waren nicht nur einige gehbehinderte Menschen an Bord, die fast vom Zodiac getragen werden mussten, sondern eine Patientin mit einer solchen medizinischen Vorerkrankung, dass eine Evakuierung der Person stattfinden musste. Die Reise wurde abgebrochen und das Schiff ist zurück zu den Falklands gefahren. Somit wurden der Traum der restlichen Mitreisenden zerstört einmal im Leben Südgeorgien und die Orkneys zu besuchen. Wir sind mehr als enttäuscht darüber. Leider fand bisher von Oceanwide keine ausreichende Stellungnahme statt. Eine weitere Reise mit Oceanwide kann nicht empfohlen werden.

Enjoyed the trip. The team did their best to show us as much as possible. The food was planty and delicious. I feel disappointed of missing 3 South Georgia exploring days, due to medical evacuation. In total, the first 10 days were not balanced, with 2.5 days on land and 8 days on see.

Die Antarktis war ein Traum von mir ... und ich bin nicht enttäuscht worden. Das Schiff, die Crew und alles, was ich den 12 Tagen sehen durfte wird mir in ewiger Erinnerung bleiben. Besonderer Dank gilt der Crew. Jeder, wirklich jeder hat sich rührend um uns gekümmert und uns bespaßt. Selbst auf der Hin- und Rückfahrt über die Drake Passage wurde uns nicht langweilig. Die Briefings, Vorträge und Workshops haben mir unheimlich viel an Informationen geliefert und viel Spaß gemacht. In der Antarktis gab es immer einen genauso faszinierenden Plan B, falls geplante Aktivitäten wetterbedingt nicht stattfinden konnten. Für mich nicht selbstverständlich, ist das Sharing der Fotos aller Teilnehmer sofern gewünscht. Besonderer Dank an Werner Kruse, dass er uns seine Fotos genauso selbstverständlich überlassen hat. An dieser Stelle somit noch einmal ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön an alle Crewmitglieder, dass sie uns ein so unvergleichliches Erlebnis ermöglicht haben und an das Team von Oceanwide für die professionelle Organisation. Ich empfehle euch gern weiter. Ihr machten einen super Job!!!

This trip was life changeing !!! The best trip I have ever taken in my life. The crew amazing in ever way, the ship was great, the scenery ...I will never be able to truly explain how beautiful and special Antartica real is. I want to live in Antartica. Thanks so much for everything Kaytia and the rest of the crew, thanks Oceanwide I will be back on this expedition again maybe next time I will get to Camp and Kayak ;). All the best, Luke Hicks

We saw a plenty of different penguins, seals, whales and birds, the landscape around the ship was very beautyful and everything was organized very well, the crew and the guests were very very nice on Plancius and the food was really good and the staff showed us so many beautyful places and answered us all the questions! Every member of Plancius and Oceanwide was special! thank you

A trip of a lifetime. Great journey, great views and encounters. Excellent captain, crew, hotel staff and expedition staff. Nothing at all to complain about. The ship's facilities and catering exceeded expectations. Cabins are modern, clean and of materials which keep them in good shape, despite intensive use. The open bridge policy is also special to Oceanwide, adding another dimension to the trip. Overall; FANTASTIC.

An unforgatable trip!!!!!!!

I'd love to return! Doesn't that say everything?

For the moment just three words - (sorry I am verry busy - just arrived at home) ... ALL SIMPLY PERFEKT. To a second moment then a longer review ... with love Dieter Kompatscher

I did the OTL27-19 Antarctic Peninsula - Basecamp trip from 29/12/18 to 9/1/19. It was by far the most enjoyable experience ever! The trip was always going to be fantastic - because let's face it - it is the Antarctic. Just being there is awesome in itself. However, I'm not writing this review about the place but the people who made it special. The expedition team & ship crew were awesome. The ones that stood out were Beau, Sandra, Gracie, Mal, Marijke, Sigi & Melanie. We were blessed with excellent weather & as such there was no down-time for the expedition crew. It is easy to deduce that the exceptionally fine days meant that Beau & Sandra had to work extra hard to make sure we muggles were suitably entertained, happy & had nothing to complain about the whole trip. I am truly appreciative of all their efforts and for going above and beyond to ensure we had the best experience ever. You can credit Beau & Sandra as the reason that I have already booked my next trip with Oceanwide - and if i don't get to see them on that trip, then whoever is part of the expedition crew will have some big shoes to fill as I will be comparing their levels of enthusiasm, caring and dedication :-)

The whole experience was above my expectations. The staff and crew were so helpful and I never felt I was a bother when I need a little extra help here and there. I would definitely recommend this voyage to anyone who enjoys wildlife. We were blessed with exceptional weather and crossing the Drake Passage was a breeze.

This 18 days on board the Plancius was the best trip I have ever done. No words or photos describe the experience being surrounded by seals whales and penguins in every direction. The crew on board went above and beyond to make the time unforgettable.

Captain Barria and Toni Salo, made the Drake seameless!! Not even dramamine was needed! Beau and the expedition team, was just extraordinary! We had 12 days or magnificent sunlight, and they made sure every day was filled with so many activities, from lectures to landings! They really went out of their way to make this a memorable experience! I engaged in all the activities, which made me enjoy every second on and off board! Pete did a great job, giving EVERYONE a chance to kayak! The Hotel Services were IMPECABLE! 7 STAR SERVICE thanks to Sigi and Melanie! We went to bed each night, looking forward to Sigis cheerful Good morning, Good morning, Gooood morning wake up announcement each morning! The food at the restaurant was delicious and very varied. The service at the restaurant, was always so friendly and they seemed to know us all by names...and our usual drinks! Rolando, at the bar, seemed as if he had know us all for a lifetime! He knew exactly what we wanted to drink and when! We are well aware that the energy of all the passengers, was demanding so much from the crew and staff, but at all times were they so friendly, accomodating... and all around Best in Class!

Our trip to Antarctica was absolutely amazing! The landscapes were straight out of a dream. We were very lucky with the wildlife spotting and there is no such thing as seeing too many penguins, they are the cutest and funniest (and smelliest) little creatures. The activities that we did as part of the base camp where very professionally guided and loads of fun. I would recommend this trip to everyone.

A fantastic trip to very remote areas of the world. I usually hate using the word but it really was awesome - beautiful scenery, lots of wildlife, pristine environments and so much more to just keep you smiling in wonder. The guides and organization were great,, and the food and service wonderful. Thanks to everyone for making this a very memorable trip!
