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I cannot be happier that I chose Oceanwide for my Antarctica expedition. They surpassed my expectations at all levels, starting from the commitment of the expedition leader, Claudia Holgate and her team, who left no stone unturned to ensure that we have as many landings and do as many activities, inspite of inclement weather. The ship doctor, Dr. Rob Johnson for taking such good care of us during our sea sickness bout while crossing the drake passage, and even otherwise. Hats off to the chief chef, Khabir Moraes for his culinary ingeniousness. The food served was better, in taste and variety than even the 5 star cruise liners/ restaurants. Each staff (whether housekeeping/steward/reception manager) made us feel very comfortable and at home. While the incredible beauty of Antarctica is hard to describe in words and cannot be attributed to any human factor, it was the team and staff on-board who made our experience so much more enriching. I will return to Oceanwide for my future expeditions/cruises and also highly recommend it to all my friends and family.
The expedition team really tried its best to enable us to do and see as much as possible, the hotel team was excellent, and the ship crew staff were also welcome and supportive. and lucky me, the other passengers were open, interesting, and fun to be around. It's a wonderful experience ~ thank you all for making it happen.
Antarctic is extremely beautiful with shades of blue and white:) It’s an 11 days trip with 5 days of activities with the other remaining days travelling to & fro from Ushuaia. However, if u are planning to do all activities such as camping, Kayaking and mountaineering, I would advise u to book at least 2 years in advance or not book at all. I booked my trip in May/June 2019 and was assigned Group D (note: there are 6 groups A B C D E F total). Those in group A have e choice to book their activites first and when an activity get cancelled, Group A has the priority to go on another date. For me, I didn’t get to go camping and Kayaking and it was disappointing as the weather conditions were good in general. About 100 persons signed up for camping and only 30 persons can camp each night. Guides also said that its impossible to have 5 days of good weather in Antarctica which means some people were nvr meant to camp. There were many landings on Antarctic. If landings alone is good enough for u, probably this is the right company to choose then!
From the moment I first contacted Oceanwide to receiving photos and a trip log after disembarkation was so well organized, informative, and personal. The attention to detail and personal interactions are what made this already incredible experience even more incredible. The base camp expedition to Antartica was a dream come true. The sense of adventure and awe was infused into each day. We were able to not just see Antartica but to experience her majesty. The icing on this already enormous cake are the life long friendships, both with fellow passengers and with crew, created in these too short two weeks.
Fabulous trip Will use Oceanwide again
I like everything specially the crew and the entusiasm of the guides.of corse, the place was wonderful. I hope to come again on bord in the future
It was amazing The icebergs, the scenery, the ship, the food, the staff and the people were amazing
excellent trip that met our expectations in terms of magical landscapes, interesting naturalistic observations and perfect organization (outings and stewardship). Wonderful cruise that leaves us with great memories and the desire to renew the experience.
Die Reise war ein Erlebnis. Die Crew und die Expeditionsmannschaft haben hervorragende Arbeit geleistet. Man kann die Gesellschaft und das Reiseprogramm für Arktik Liebhaber nur empfehlen.
Scenery is one thing. And for me the chief reason to visit Svalbard and Greenland. Others may focus more on wildlife. On this cruise the unexpected highlight was the great interaction between the passengers and the expedition staff. They gave prepared talks in the lounge, they drove the Zodiacs, they were full of knowledge of the environment through which we walked or bumped our way in the Zodiacs. And they were totally bilingual, changing seamlessly from German to English and providing interpreter services too. What a talented group. It was good to have shared a ship with you.
Die Reise war rundum grossartig. Wir sind begeistert. Schiffsbesatzung, Crew und Guides waren alle perfekt. Die Landgänge und Vorträge waren toll. Wir haben nichts zu beastanden. Das Essen war vorzüglich und die Unterkunft wie man es sich auf einem Schiff vorstellt (mit einem Bullauge :)) Jeder Landgang war spannend, interessant und sehr schön. Die Vegetation, Gletscher, Berge, das Licht ... einfach wunderbar! Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei Allen, die etwas zum gelingen der Reise beigetragen haben, bedanken! Super Job habt ihr gemacht. Herzliche Grüsse Samuel und Silvia
Vom Beginn der Reise (Begrüßung), über die Ausflüge mit den Zodiacs - ein spitzklasse GuidesTeam. Die Guides haben sich bei den Touren und auch Nachbesprechungen viel Zeit genommen. Auch wurden die Touren sehr respektvoll gegenüber der Natur ausgeführt. Ebenfalls das Essen am Bord und der Service waren rund um die Uhr sehr sehr gut! Der Höhepunkt war die Fahrt zum 81° Breitengrad im Packeis und dann haben wir noch einem Polarbären sehen. Ein Traum wurde für uns wahr!
Thank you for the great trip!
thoughtful team, great experience, wildlife, brash ice, good boat, prima food
Wir hatten große Erwartungen an diese Reise, die alle bei weitem übertroffen wurden. Ein hervorragendes Expeditionsschiff, das durchaus komfortabel war. Die tolle Crew und die Guides, die durch ihr hohes Fachwissen und ihr Engagement brillierten und das hervorragende kulinarische Angebot - all das trug wesentlich dazu bei, diese Reise zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis werden zu lassen. Das Wetter spielt auch recht gut mit und wir bekamen fast alle Vertreter der polaren Flora und Fauna zu Gesicht. Was will man mehr!