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Oceanwide at the Long Beach Scuba Show

by Oceanwide Expeditions News 22.05.2015

Aktivitäten: Polartauchen

Meet Oceanwide Expeditions at the SCUBA SHOW

at the Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA

6 & 7 June, 2015 | Booth: #408 

Enjoy the seminars given by our Dive Master, Henrik Enckell.

Saturday 11 am to 12 pm Seaside 5-A

Sunday 12 pm to 1 pm Seaside 5-A

Polar diving in the Arctic and Antarctic

Presented by Henrik Enckell and Oceanwide Expeditions

Join us in discovering the pristine nature of our polar areas. Our polar dive master, Mr. Henrik Enckell, will take you on a visual journey through both the Arctic and Antarctic both underwater and topside covering the logistics of getting there and back along the way. We will also discuss the special wildlife we encounter and learn the even though it looks similar between the two poles, it is actually quite different when we examine it closely.

Get $300 off on an Oceanwide Expeditions diving voyage when booked at the show!


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