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  • 20 Reasons Why We Love a Spitsbergen Cruise (and Why You Will Too)

20 Reasons Why We Love a Spitsbergen Cruise (and Why You Will Too)

by Daniel Fox Blog

Regionen: Arktis

Reiseziele: Spitzbergen

20 reasons why we love a Spitsbergen cruise (and why you will too)

Welcome to Spitsbergen! It’s one of the destinations we always love to visit, and we think you’ll love it too. Why? Well…

1. It has beautiful blue waters

2. Where icebergs sail by

3. Massive glaciated walls climb up onto the land

4. Sometimes your ship will be towered over by ruggedly beautiful cliff walls

5. And other times you’ll be greeted with gentle and inviting shores

6. You’ll be able to trek inland to snap pictures of fantastic vistas

7. And if you ask really nicely maybe the local wildlife will pose for you

8. Speaking of wildlife, how many times do you get to visit walruses in their natural habitat?

9. Or how about reindeer?

10. There are Arctic foxes

11. Polar bears (don’t worry, we keep you safe)

12. Whales

13. Seals


14. Do you like birds? Because Spitsbergen has more than its fair share

15. You even get the chance to leave the area a little better than the way you found it. One of the cruises we’re proud of allows you the chance to volunteer to clean up the detritus that washes up on the shores

16. Your Spitsbergen cruise won’t be all work though. You’ll still have plenty of time to cruise the shorelines

17. Snap some great pictures.

18. Make new friends

19. Or attempt to give yourself a heart attack (that water is cold!)

20. The thing you’ll love the most about a Spitsbergen cruise? You’ll sail away with the memories of a lifetime having done something you’ve never done before

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