It was the most amazing trip to the wonderworld of Antarctica. Every day of our Basecamp expedition was filled with incredible and magical experiences. 7 days each with 2 landings or zodiac cruises, led by a great team of highly qualified guides. I was fascinated by the enthusiasm of the guides and the dedication with which they showed us the wonders of Antarctica – and they always seemed to be relaxed and in a good mood. The team on board was equally excellent – always in a good mood and they delivered the best service. The food was outstanding! The rooms and community rooms were very clean and tidy. The cabin (level 4, double with window) was larger than expected, with very comfortable beds and plenty of storage space. I also loved the energy within the passengers on board, people from 23 countries of every age. The activities offered were perfectly tailored to the passengers. The expedition leaders reacted very flexibly to weather conditions and the wishes of the passengers. There was always enough time for animal observation and plenty of opportunities to move freely on land (within the given limits). And it was all conveyed with such apparent ease and great humor. You had the feeling that the guides had in mind the enthusiasm with which they experienced their own first trip to Antarctica and wanted to make the same intensive experience possible for us too. My personal highlights were the kayaking, the two afternoons with very close-up humpback whale sightings and all the cute penguins. The trip far exceeded all of my expectations in every way – I'm so glad I chose this particular tour. I always thought reviews like this one were fake ... but at least when it comes to the reviews here, I know they must all be real. If you don't believe it, just find out yourself. ;)

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