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Penguin Wisdom: Life Lessons from Our Favorite Flightless Bird

by Oceanwide Expeditions Blogs

As members of a travel company that focuses on wildlife, we believe every species has something important to teach us - from the largest blue whale to the smallest cephalopod, the fiercest polar bear right down to the most furtive Arctic fox. But if you're in search of the best words of wisdom ever to be uttered, look no further than our favorite flightless philosopher: the penguin.

Pearls of wisdom we can learn from the penguin

As members of a travel company that focuses on wildlife, we believe every species has something important to teach us - from the largest blue whale to the smallest cephalopod, the fiercest polar bear right down to the most furtive Arctic fox.

But if you're in search of the deepest words of wisdom ever to be uttered, look no further than our favorite flightless philosopher: the penguin.

Here are 22 priceless pearls we've learned from this sagely species, each one irrefutable proof that what the penguin lacks in aerial ability it makes up for in the keenest advice ever to be regurgitated down another bird's beak.

1. Show up on time, especially to ship launches

Image by Ralf Plechinger 

2. Let sleeping seals lie - unless they look too darn smug

Image by Esther Kokmeijer 

3. Take time to contemplate life's deeper questions

Image by Helen Moore

4. But never miss a chance to play in the shallows

Image by Charles Baz

5. Sometimes you have to go along to get along

Image by Pascale Sury

6. At other times, you have to walk your own path

Image by Jennifer Frickell

7. Sometimes you have to stand your ground

Image by Wim van Passel

8. And other times, it's best to find a peaceful agreement

Image by Rinie van Meurs

9. Don't lose yourself in the crowd

Image by Hubert Neufeld

10. Let your loved ones know you love them

Image by Molly Holm

11. Learn from others whenever possible

Image by Rinie van Meurs

12. But don't listen to the naysayers

Image by Martin van Lokven

13. Remember to get your rest

Image by Rolf Stange

14. Seriously, rest is very important

15. Without rest, you're nothing but a lump

Image by Franco Banfi

16. Find friends you can be yourself around

17. But be open to others who are not like you

Image by Mike Way

18. Waste not, want not

19. Learn and become who you are

Image by Wim van Passel

20. Take pride in your true self

Image by Sara Jenner

21. Live each day like you mean it

Image by Reinhard Schiemer

22. Then rest up for tomorrow

Image by Ineke Veldman

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