
Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.137 reviews
Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.137 reviews




Outdoor activiteiten




Thank you for the great trip!

thoughtful team, great experience, wildlife, brash ice, good boat, prima food

Wir hatten große Erwartungen an diese Reise, die alle bei weitem übertroffen wurden. Ein hervorragendes Expeditionsschiff, das durchaus komfortabel war. Die tolle Crew und die Guides, die durch ihr hohes Fachwissen und ihr Engagement brillierten und das hervorragende kulinarische Angebot - all das trug wesentlich dazu bei, diese Reise zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis werden zu lassen. Das Wetter spielt auch recht gut mit und wir bekamen fast alle Vertreter der polaren Flora und Fauna zu Gesicht. Was will man mehr!

Tolles Team, gute Ausstattung, super Essen - ich bin noch ganz erfüllt von den Erlebnissen

Hochkompetente und -motovierte Expeditionsleiter und ein insgesamt stets freundliches Team haben die auch vom Wetter verwöhnte Reise zu einem einmaligen, nachhaltigen Erlebnis gemacht mit fantastischen Tierbeobachtungen von Eisbären bis hin zu Blau- und Grönlandwalen, Polarfüchsen und Walrossen, Vögeln und Rentieren etc. Aber auch die Wanderungen mit Details zu Flora und Fauna sowie die Zodiaktouren entlang kalbender Gletscher mit tollen Erklärungen zum Gletscher- und später Packeis waren tief beeindruckend. Und dann noch die unerwarteten 'Gaben' wie der Film vom Tag im Packeis und jetzt das Expeditionshandbuch im Nachgang: klasse Service! Wer mich fragt, dem werde ich Oceanwide uneingeschränkt empfehlen!

I have been recommending Oceanwide MV Plancius to everyone. Wonderful interesting trip once i knew who the best guides were. So much to see and interesting talking to the locals or temporary residents. The contrast between Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula wildlife, small quiet friendly ship permitting everyone to go ashore at each stop made the trip. Much sympathy for passengers on the big cruise ships who were queuing forever. The hikes were very short but left plenty of time to study the seals and penguins. I look forward to going again earlier in their summer to see newborn seal pups. The teenagers were quite lively!

Sehr gut geführte Reise mit kompetenten, sehr freundlichen Fachpersonen auf allen Ebenen: Expeditionsleitung, Hotellerie, Küche (super Essen!!). Ein grosses HOCH der ganzen Crew!!

Everything was splendid! We had the trip of our lives. We never experienced this kind of silence before. It was like a dream.

I booked this trip for ice pack and polar bears. And my expectations were fully met. The ship is so silent, as they say, "not luxurious" and right to the type of destination and expedition from all point of view. Itinerary pleasantly disrupted by ice and bears. Staff very nice and knowledgeable. Bridge open most times. Very quiet and special over there on deck 7. I advice to choose cabins on deck 6 with superior cabins, especially for fantastic windows size.

All meals, esp soup, are too salty to Taiwanese people. Old people always have hypertension or poor renal function, low salt diet option wonld be more considerate.

Everything was wonderful: places, ship, staff, crew and, above all, polar bear! Thanks to all

We hardly had left the harbour of Longyearbyen as we met a group of 100 Belugas in the fjord, what a start of our journey! And we had more luck: a polar fox in Ny Alesund, reindeer, 2 groups of walrus lazy on their beach, bearded seals and black guillemots all over the place. And if you think that this was all: in one day we saw 5 different polarbears! This was also the first time the Hondius could go all around Spitsbergen. So greatfull to Hondius and the crew!

Unvergessliche Expeditionsreise , hier hat alles gestimmt, sehr kompetentes Expeditionsteam, sehr zu empfehlen.

Our ten day trip around Svalbard with the Hondius was excellent. There was absolutely nothing to complain about, it was perfect. The boat was beautiful, we had a lovely cabin and the food was delicious. The guids were absolutely great, they had so much knowledge and they were very friendly. This trip has defenitely showed us the beauty of Svalbard and her stunning nature. The activities were fantastic and they had nice difficulty levels to make it possible for everybody to have a lovely trip. We have seen so many animals (six polar bears, one swimming around the ship twice, walruses, wales, reindeer, etc) due to an amazing team of expierenced staff. I can truly invent nothing negative about the whole experience, and I would recommend it to everybody. It was an experience to never forget.

I have visited 92 countries, so I thought that I had seen most of our Earth! Not true, the Arctic trip brought me to a new marvelous place that I did not think that existed. The beauty of the scenery, the amazement in front of the arctic animals, the silence of the nature are unforgettable! On top of that we had a wonderful team of expedition guides and a beautiful ship at its first travel. Everything was super and I believe that I will do more of these trips!
