
Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.084 reviews
Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.084 reviews




Outdoor activiteiten




door otte w. zijlstra

I did enjoy the trip very much with a lot of highlights nevertheless with one big deception: a BBQ on deck of the Plancius. The scenery was okay but the hard music does not fit in the artic region! Very disappointing and I hope that if they do it in the future than please without music and experience the silence of the surroundings!

door David Medlicott

We took this trip with the hope of seeing polar bears and more. Though scheduled to go to Nordauslandet and the 7 Islands, the pack ice prevented us from getting there. I have to commend the crew for nonetheless delivering us an exceptional trip! We did see polar bear(s???), beluga, blue, bowhead and minke whales and many, many walrus. I have to say the expedition crew was exceptional! Each one had a unique skillset and perspective and they were all as into the trip as the passengers were! A special shoutout to our expedition leader, Jan and the captain, Alexey! They were fantastic!

door Marga van Bloois

My husband and I have had a great time on board and around the Hondius in Spitsbergen/Svalbard. Have seen lots of wild life. Enjoyed every minute. The wether was beautiful. The crew very good. Thanks for this memory.

The wakeup call on the first morning with a Polarbear in sight was one of the absolute highlights. Guides were very considerate not to get too close to the animals to avoid disturbances a much as possible. The professional, detailled logbook we received a couple of days after returning home rounded off a perfect trip to the Arctic.

door Birgit Neumann

Sicher eine der eindrucksvollsten Reisen, die ich bisher gemacht habe (… und ich habe schon einige Reisen gemacht) Besonders hat mir gefallen, dass eigentlich immer ein Guide da war, meine Fragen zu beantworten. Dieses geschah immer freundlich und höflich, nie hatte ich das Gefühl, eine dumme Frage gestellt zu haben. Mir hat es gefallen, junge Menschen zu sehen, die sich begeistern und für ihr Thema "brennen". Die komplette Crew (sogar der Captain) war hilfsbereit und auskunftsfreudig, ich hatte zu keinem Moment das Gefühl, irgendein Landgang sei nicht sicher. Ich habe in einer 4-Bett-Kabine gewohnt, das war alles gut und nach meinen Vorstellungen. Jedoch bin ich der Meinung, dass der Preis im Verhältnis zur Einzelkabine völlig überzogen ist. Die Einzelkabine gibt es für 9.000 Euro, in der 4-Bett-Kabine zahlt jeder zwischen 4.000 und 5.000 Euro für den "Hasenkasten", also insgesamt das doppelte. Das ist m. E. nicht fair.

door Fang Fang

We were so lucky to be close to polar bear twice and weather was also nice during the whole trip. The bad experience which I want to highlight is no picking-up. It made me feel bad when I went to the pier with my heavy luggage.

De reis was van het begin tot het eind een fantastische belevenis, we hebben genoten van het prachtige schip, de mooie hut en van de behulpzame crew. De ongerepte natuur is met geen pen te beschrijven en we waren blij verrast veel verschillende dieren in hun natuurlijke omgeving te zien, dolfijnen, walvissen, zeehonden, walrussen en DE Polar bear en byzondere poolvogels!! Ik voelde me LIFE in een natuurfilm. En het pakijs heeft een enorme indruk op mij gemaakt! Hartelijk dank oceanwide voor deze natuurbeleving.

door Karl-Heinz Gerlach

Tolle Natur, spektakuläre Tierwelt, perfektes Schiff, professionelle Crew und begeisternde Atmosphäre. Alles stimmte!

door Karl Krusnik

A lot of things didn’t work on the boat (intern TV, Microfon, shower in my cabin, air conditioning in other cabins etc.). As it was a special polar bear expedition I expected to see some bears. Now I know that even in Spitzbergen it’s a question of big luck to see any polar bear. But this wasn’t communicated. So all in all it was a disappointing cruise concerning wildlife.

door Gisela Steinke

beautiful expedition, experts on board, super captain

door Y. Schoonderbeek

It was an excellent, super trip: an experience beyond words. Great comfort and excellent trips with the zodiacs. Very nice crew!

door Paul Hanson

Despite the paucity of polar bears, this was a fantastic trip. The whales we saw were magnificent, the walruses abundant. There are obviously a few glitches to work out on Hondius (sound system, engine noise), but the ship was a pleasure to be on, and the crew from housekeeping, to wait staff in the dining room, to those handling the zodiacs and the ship itself, were all wonderful. Jan and Bill added a special touch to the week (Jan's patience is impressive!), and the group of guides worked together as a team with great skill and enthusiasm.

door johanna aarden

een geweldige reis met onvergetelijke indrukken

door Peter Südbeck

Hervorragende eindrucksvolle gut organisierte Naturreise, gute Information, natursensible Durchführung, Service, Freundlichkeit super

door Sarah Jane Laubscher

I recently had the opportunity to join a cruise on beautiful Rembrandt van Rijn. It was an amazing experience thanks to the incredible crew - Ali the Captain, Jordi and Eduardo our knowledgeable guides, Merle the first mate, Charlotte our talented chef, and Bobby the "hotel" manager, not to mention all those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. I traveled to Svalbard/Spitsbergen in search of wildlife, but found so much more! Its majestic white landscapes were so beautiful, with peak upon snow covered peak stretching off into eternity, and it’s blue skies mirrored in the striking blue waters. The solitude on those quiet mornings, before anyone else arose, calmed my soul. The icy cold was invigorating and made me feel alive. This place has touched and enriched my life in ways I could not have imagined, and I will definitely return one day.
