Time of my Life
bij Fiona Shang
Vertrek in December 2016
bij Fiona Shang
Vertrek in December 2016
Regio: Het ultieme Antarctische avontuur
Bestemmingen: Antarctisch Schiereiland
Schip: m/v Plancius
Highlights: Sneeuwschoenwandelen, Bergbeklimmen, Stormbandpinguïn, Ezelspinguïn
The grandeur of Antarctica is beyond any words or pictures. In the undisturbed tranquility, isolated to the notion of timelessness, I was in awe of its magnificence and our insignificance, and my mind become like ice: clear, crystalline and uncluttered. From the over 40 countries I visited nothing compares to this. The magic can't happen without our incredible crews and staffs! All the adventurers activities, insightful workshops, attentive service and thoughtful programs never ceased to amaze me. The trip was beyond my wildest dreams, passengers all over the world bonding in the vast wilderness. Special thanks to: Andrew, Michelle, Beau, Chris, Marijke, Bruce, Cube, Mal, Louise, Nacho, Jerry, Karen, Johnny, Katie and all the rest 40+ staffs on board. I loved and miss every second of the this adventure, and can't wait until my next expedition with Oceanwide! (Damn it, Polar Bug!)
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