
Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.106 reviews
Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.106 reviews




Outdoor activiteiten




it was a overwhelming travel in the rough beauty of the north. The landscape was as endless like the silence. The clouds on the heaven and the rare sunshine make breathtaking pictures. For me it was astonishing to see so few animals. And the big polarbear looks so tiny in the huge landscape. Our crew was so experienced, charming and friendly. The meals were excellent.

Eine der besten Reisen, die ich je gemacht habe. Alle an Board waren super freundlich und haben ihr Bestes gegeben, die Tour zu einem einzigartigen und unvergesslichen Erlebnis zu machen. Der Abschied von Spitzbergen ist und schwer gefallen!

door Ian Wainwrihgt

Wonderful experience, Crew, hotel staff and expedition staff excellent. Very professional and would definitely travel with Oceanwide in the future, a very big thank you to everyone concerned.

door huig ouwehand

Fine ship, fine crew, great trip

What a fantastic trip. I could not have asked for any thing better. The Organisation was superb!. Right down to the requirement to arrange a special day because we had to leave the Peninsular a day early because of a pending storm in the Drake Passage. Amazing!!!!

The trip was amazing - far beyond my wildest dreams. The organisation was faultless; the Crew were pleasant, helpful and efficient; the Expedition Staff were true professionals and fun to be with; and the ship was a dream to be on. All the trips were well co-ordinated and the talks / lectures were all really interesting. I was truly inspired by it all , so much so that I have persuaded my cousin from Hobart in Tasmania to come back with me in 2020 to Antarctica (I am one of the Yorkshire members on our trip!). I hope to get to the Arctic maybe next year to check out the wildlife there, and hopefully see some of the team from Ortelius there too. I will be giving some presentations of the pics and videos etc from the trip soon and will make sure I give a good push to the need to protect that fragile environment and its wildlife. It will me my mission. I will spread the good word re OE's and hope to create interest in visiting the area in a sustainable and non-damaging way. See you again and Thanks to all concerned for a memorable trip.

door Shashi Uniyal

Thank you to our expedition team for their passion & enthusiasm about all things 'Antarctic'. Also fellow divers that shared lovely underwater images with 'landlubbers' like myself!

door Georg Reitmeier

Eine Reise , die meine Frau und ich nie mehr vergessen werden. Unsere Erwartungen wurden bei weitem übertroffen. Egal ob es die Tierwelt oder die Natur betrifft. Man kann die Reise nur schwer mit Worten beschreiben, man muss sie erlebt haben. Das war unsere 3. Reise mit der Plancius. Ich kann und möchte keinen der Besatzung besonders hervor heben, sie sind ohne Ausnahme alle Spitze. Auf diesem Weg sagen wir noch einmal VIELEN DANK. Ein kleiner Wiederspruch, eine Person muss doch namentlich bedacht werden. Es handelt sich um den Kapitän Alexey Nazarov. Der Käpten kennt sehr wohl seinen Kurs, ist aber zu jeder Zeit bereit ihn zu unterbrechen, wenn es etwas besonderes zu sehen gibt. Seien es Tiere oder Eisberge usw. Wir sagen auch hier noch einmal vielen Dank Herr Nazarov.

door paolo valentini

extraordinary journey, excellent food, very silent and confortable ship, exceptional crew and staff!!! recommended

door Cuni van Tergouw

It was a wish my husband and I had to go to Antarctica, and this March we finally went. We had high hopes and we can only conclude that this journey exceeded all our expectations. We have never had such a magnificent journey. A sincerere and warm thank you to all the crew members of the Plancius. It is a wonderful ship and the crew is really amazing. Their enthusiasm, and deeply felt love for this continent as well as Arctica impacted all the passengers. The service was outstanding and the presentations held during the journey gave the necessary information to better understand the beauty and uniqueness of this continent and its wildlife. The Plancius has a very nice lounge and bar where you can sit, read, play games and chat with other passengers. New friendships are created during the journey. This experience has led to the plan to travel to Arctica (Spitsbergen) next year. Again, with the Plancius. We are already looking forward to it.

Perfekt. Danke für das einmalige Erlebnis.

door Susan Supran

Exciting wonderful trip. Crew. Excellent

door Anne Ardillo

Our trip with Oceanwide Expeditions to the Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica peninsula exceeded our expectations. The entire staff was first class and most importantly all were happy and excited to be part of this amazing adventure. As a vegetarian I especially appreciated that my dietary needs were not a hindrance to the chefs in fact others were jealous of my delicious meals. This expedition was ecotourism as its finest with their consistent focus on environmental protection and conservation of the area.

It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I got to see things I could only imagine in my dreams. Sailing on the ship and the zodiac landings were so much fun. The crew was very professional and got us safely to all our destinations and back to Ushuaia. The expedition staff was amazing and always available to talk to. The hotel staff did a great job and our cabin was very comfortable. The food was always fresh and delicious. I am a vegetarian and vegetarian dishes were always available. I'd especially like to thank M.J. and James who always remembered our names, were very polite and were always there for us with anything that we needed when we were dining. They made the trip even more fun for us. I'd highly recommend this cruise.

Wonderful small boat, with lots of decks. Amazing Filipino staff, great food (a little too many herbs maybe), bread, cheese, vegetables. Exceptional: Andrew Bishop, Beau Preneau, Dr. Rogier Burggraaff, Capt. Nazarov. Landings: only 50 people at a time meant more penguins than humans every time. Thank you Andrew! The bridge was another big plus. Camping was not as expected. Suggestion: allow passengers to practice after demonstration, with a guide present to answer questions. The majority of us would not do it again! Kayak: my biggest disappointment. I abided by indications on your website: Plancius not being a basecamp voyage, I didn't sign up because I have no experience and your site states clearly: "On these non-basecamp excursions our guides do reserve the right to refuse you access to a kayak if it’s clear you don’t have any experience". Once on board I found out that several completely inexperienced beginners had signed up and went kayaking several times. Some even offered me their place but understandably Louise Adie could not take me along (insurance, etc.). I thank Andrew and crew for my two Polar plunges: they were very real experiences of Antartica.
