“All’s Well” in Captain Scott's Hut

by Oceanwide Expeditions News 04.06.2013

“All’s Well” in Captain Scott's Hut. Conditions at the Hut were perfect: sunshine, blue skies, no wind, and a temperature of around -13 degrees.

On 3rd March 2013, Jake reached Cape Evans in Antarctica, and fulfilled his dream of performing his songs in the actual hut where Captain Scott and his team lived and worked before setting out for the South Pole. Conditions at the Hut were perfect: sunshine, blue skies, no wind, and a temperature of around -13 degrees.

The journey to the Hut and Jake’s performance there were filmed by Colin Rogal, a close friend who has worked with Jake on projects for the BBC, the Open University and the Roald Dahl Estate. Jake is now putting together a film about this extraordinary experience, which will be ready later in the year.

Jake received special permission for this performance-of-a-lifetime from the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust and reached the Hut with Antarctic travel experts Oceanwide Expeditions. To cope with the extreme conditions in the Hut, Jake performed on a Rainsong graphite guitar.

Individuals and organisations have already made very generous contributions to help make this unique undertaking possible. If you would like to contribute, please contact Jake here, www.jakewilsonmusic.com.

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