Magnificent adventure in Antarctica
por Declan baharini
Salida en December 2016
Región: Antártida
Destinos: Península Antártica
Barco: El Plancius
Destacados: Camping Antártico, Campamento base, Pingüino juanito, Foca leopardo
We had the most amazing adventure travelling to Antarctica with MV Plancius. A great, small expedition ship, with a brilliant sailing crew and wonderful expedition staff. The trip was meant for active travellers who like adventure and it did not disappoint - with people aged 11 to 82, everyone had the same sense of wonder at the Antarctic continent, which is breathtaking - as well as fun and excitement on the many shore excursions and activities. Meeting them was as much part of the trip as going to Antarctica. There is always lots to do, even when sailing to and from the continent - with talks on everything from Antarctic wildlife to the great explorers, as well as excellent activity briefings. The ship is a floating hotel as well and we found the accommodation to be really good, the food excellent and the service was outstanding. I can't recommend an expedition holiday and this ship highly enough.
Text¿Ha estado en alguno de nuestros viajes?
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8010 USD
HDS30D25 The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other b
El Hondius
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10125 USD
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7700 USD
Cruzando el Círculo Antártico
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Fecha del crucero:
23 mar. - 3 abr., 2025
5650 USD
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14250 USD