Regio: Arctis

Bestemmingen: Spitsbergen

Schip: m/v Plancius

I would like to thank you all for this very well organized trip. Special thanks to hotel manager Zsuzsanna, who was always kind and ready to help. She and her team had no problem to customise the meal menu according to our vegan diet. I really admire the Capatin's skills and appreciate his willingness to get us as close as possible to almost unreachable locations just to have bether view to enjoy the scenery or animals. Sailing through icebergs at Austfona and through frozen sea at Pack ice looking for polar bears was definitely outstanding, extraordinary and special. The trip was wery well organized and every member of the crew and guides did their best to give the best experinces from Arctic. We were watching walruses wery closely for app 2 hours. That was quite amazing - even for the guides. We saw polar bears several times and watching the King of Arctic in his natural environment, how he is moving, swimming and sometime just laying on the ground was one of the most emotional experience in my life. So thank you you all for this opportunity.

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