
Phippsøya is the largest of the Sjuøyane, the “Seven Islands” that make up the northern-most part of the Svalbard archipelago.

Regio: Arctis

Bestemmingen: Spitsbergen


Phippsøya is the largest of the Sjuøyane, the “Seven Islands” that make up the northern-most part of the Svalbard archipelago.

Located only 1040 km south of the North Pole, Phippsøya naturally shares a number of characteristics of the northern climes – desert-levels of precipitation and low-slung clinging plant life. However, due to some fortuitous warmer currents the island also enjoys some of the benefits of a sub-Arctic location.

Because of this combination of high-Arctic and sub-Arctic conditions Arctic cruise passengers will have a great chance to see walruses, polar bears, and occasional penguin-like puffins that make the island’s cliffs their home grounds during breeding season.

Phippsøya – Home of the Rescue Hut

Sitting on the edge of the northern frontier, Phippsøya often represented the last bit of European “mainland” before sailors ventured into the true Arctic. As such, the Norwegian government believed it would be a good idea to pepper the land with emergency huts.

Built in the 1930s and named after the mining inspector tasked with their installation, Merckoll-huts are still standing today and can be seen by Arctic cruise visitors.

Visit Phippsøya

Come enjoy the remote quiet of Phippsøya with our Svalbard trips.

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