Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.084 reviews
door Florence and Thierry MATUSIAK

It was our first cruise. And we really enjoyed it. The crew and expedition team were excellent. We were here to discover the landscape, nature and animals, and not to kill time in a hot tube and drink cocktail

door Erik Gilissen

We saw a lot of wildlife, had nice weather, guided by a super team.

door Desiree Kuperus

If ou ever have the change to embark; GO FOR IT! In terms of wildlife we were ver lucky and have seen a lot of polarbears and very special wildlife happenings. We even witnessed a live kill. A polar bear manage

door Hans-Joachim Priebe

Overall, it had been a very attractive trip. Every effort was made to provide a memorable experience for the guests. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Most lectures were of good quality and general in

door Graham Pither

This was an amazing trip which exceeded my expectations. The crew were superb and the guides were fantastic being knowledgeable, friendly and excellent at spotting wildlife and driving the zodiacs. The expediti

door Jay Borella

Everything about this experience exceeded our expectations, and left us scratching our head on how you could possibly do any better. The abundance of wildlife allowed us to tick off everything on our must see

door Freya Hodge

The most phenomenal experience. Everyone was so knowledgeable and incredibly friendly. I spent the entire trip with my mouth open in awe at the sheer beauty of everything we saw and can not believe the time and

door Harald Bergter

Meine Erwartungen wurden in jeder Hinsicht weit übertroffen was sowohl die Betreuung, die Qualität der guides, die Unterkunft, die Landschaftserlebnisse, die Verpflegung als auch die Tierbeobachtungen betrifft.

door Patrizia Broggi

Circumnavigation of Spitzbergen, beautiful trip managed perfectly

door gianluigi Bernasconi

Ho partecipato al periplo delle isole Svalbard. Tutte le mie aspettative sono state soddisfatte e spesso anche superate. Viaggio ed organizzazione eccellenti. Team preparatissimo e personale di bordo gentile ed

door Joost Barendrecht

We have seen a lot wildlife, impressing how much wildlife in the Arctic!

door Penny Picken

This trip surpassed all expectations. The polar bears were much closer to the ships than expected. The entire crew where wonderful and the scientists knew their subjects and talked with passion about them. The

door Simon Wilcox

Fantastic trip. Very well organised. Expedition leader Christophe was really on-the -ball when it came to changing the daily zodiac activities due to unfavourable weather conditions. All the expedition team we

door Alberto De Matthaeis

Excellent expedition cruise, perfect organization, extreme luck with weather and many animals met

door Pavel Sebor

The voyage around Svalbard was the best I could choose to experience fully Svalbard and its nature. Everything was perfect, the guides were fantastic, and my biggest concern, that there will be not enough outdo