Amazing Experience!!

por Julio Joglar

Departure in November 2015

Región: Antártida

Destinos: Península Antártica

Barco: El Ortelius

Amazing trip to one of the most beautiful places in the world. The M/V Ortelius is a great vessel and it is perfect for this type of trips. The entire time aboard I felt safe and not once I lost confidence on the ship's strenght or the crew. My cabin was spacious, comfortable and it was kept very clean. The crew was knowledgeable and very professional and ran the trip smooth and on time. There were a few hiccups during the trip but they were caused by the weather, to be expected in that part of the world, and not by the crew. The food was much better than what I was expecting and the desserts kept me asking for seconds every day. Landings in Antartica made me feel like a true world explorer and the photo ops were simply out of this world. This trip is a most for any photographer whether you are an amateur, a pro or you are starting at the hobby. Just make sure you bring the best gear you possibly can and that you store your gear in water proof bags. I definitely recommend Oceanwide Expeditions and based on the comments I heard from locals in Ushuaia, Argentina, the company is regarded as the best and safest in the trade.


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