Gemiddelde beoordeling gebaseerd op 1.084 reviews
door Diane walkington

Knowledgeable and friendly guides and crew, marvellous food, comfortable boat - and a lot of effort put into seeing an exciting range of wildlife and land/seascapes. For me I would have liked more time on ex

door Mark Nelson

Outstanding ship, staff and crew

door Leo Ham

Great trip

door Mirko Liesebach

Eine Expeditionsreise, die meine Erwartungen voll erfüllt hat. Mitternachtssonne, arktischer Sommer(beginn). Gletscher, arktische Tierwelt. arktische Flora, Packeis, tolles Schiff, ausgezeichnete Guides

door Diane Van Marrewijk

This expedition with Ortelius was absolutely amazing. We have seen so much wildlife in Spitsbergen, with highlights such as the king eider, polar bears (!), and plenty of different whales, walrus, reindeer a

door Margareta Brender

Not really a basecamp

door Charley Dimmick

My wife wanted to see/photograph polar bears in the wild. We researched all of the options and settled on Oceanwide Expeditions from Svalbard. We were NOT disappointed. We saw polar bears and more, rode in z

door Cathy Pasterczyk

I've seen so many polar bears in zoos that I thought seeing them in the wild would not be too exciting. I could not have been more wrong. We had an amazing long and close encounter with a mother polar be

door Fleur Mans

What a great trip that was! A cruise near Spitsbergen. For us as a couple a first time that we experience such a trip. Everything was perfectly arranged. Activities every day. Delicious food. In the evening

door Desislava Marvakov

I have to say that I never expected the cruise to be so perfect. The whole crew and guide team were amazing, very knowledgeable (shared a lot of different information regarding the nature there), very nice a

door Fanny Spikman

Me and some other students from the Arctic center in Groningen got the opportunity to go on this trip at a discount and I feel so grateful. It truly was a one in a lifetime experience, the guides were amazin

door Jacqueline Kästner

It was an excellent trip with perfect Organisation and planning. The crew was very friendly and competently. We would like recommend Oceanwide to our friends.

door Ingrid Johanna Bakker

It was a great trip with beautiful, enthusiastic guides en great service on the ship.

door Javier Brea

All of the crew, staff and guides were very kind, the ship was comfortable, and the food was excellent. Amazing landscapes. Zodiac cruises looking for wildlife and landings made me feel like an arctic explor

door Francesca Romana Cavallo

We found no faults in this trip. The flexibility of the itinerary, together with the expertise of the expedition leaders, allowed us to enjoy the very best of arctic, included a previously unplanned tour in