PLA 29-17
bij Jörg M. Seifert
Vertrek in February 2017
Regio: Antarctica
Bestemmingen: Zuidelijke Orkneyeilanden, Antarctisch Schiereiland, Falklandeilanden, Zuid-Georgia
Schip: m/v Plancius
We were standing in the midst of thousands of penguins, seeing seals, sea-leppards and sea-elephants. Whales, close to touch and birds who were not afraid of humans. In the storm, we were seasick before we could be astonished at house-high bizarre icebergs. We entered the 6th continent and it became the journey of our live. The crew consisted of young people who had a good understanding and enjoyed together. Nobody simply practiced an job. All follow their vocation and live their dreams and ideals. This makes the decisive difference between a good trip and a successful expedition. The leader was David Berg. The man out of the ice! He has often shown on this tour that he always has the right instinct. Thank to the team from Caroline & George.
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