An Unbelievable Arctic Experience
bij Carol Dockley
Vertrek in August 2015
bij Carol Dockley
Vertrek in August 2015
Regio: Arctis
Bestemmingen: Spitsbergen
It really is not hard to write a positive review about such a well run operation in what has to be one of the most stunning parts of the world, observing the abundant wildlife that calls this remote area home. The expedition team and the ship's captain and officers spent countless hours making sure that this voyage lived up to its title. As a result, we enjoyed numerous memorable sightings of polar bears, walrus haul outs, whales around the ship, arctic foxes, reindeer, seals and, of course, many species of birds. The onboard lectures from experts in their various fields were most informative and the zodiac shore excursions most enjoyable. Finally, one has to mention the jaw dropping scenery of the Svalbard Archipelago. High peaked mountains with glaciers reaching to the sea in every direction, huge bird cliffs reaching for the sky and sea ice from horizon to horizon. All very aptly summed up as "Magnificence at its Utmost Best". Thank you to all involved. The memories will last a lifetime! Frank Broadbent and Carol Dockley - Ohakune, New Zealand.
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