3 New Updates to PIF Functionality

by Oceanwide Expeditions Partner

3 New Updates to PIF Functionality

Our digital PIFs just got three useful updates. You can now generate PIFs in bulk, automatically include our polar diving questionnaire in your clients’ PIFs, and generate PIFs either in German or English based on your clients’ language preferences. This article will show you in detail how these new features work.

1. You Can Generate PIFs in Bulk

Generating PIFs one client at a time is not so time consuming for traditional bookings, but what about charters? Now you can save yourself some tedium by generating PIFs in bulk. First select “PIFS” on the homepage top menu, then click on “My PIFs”. On the following page, select “Generate PIFs for charter”. In the menu that appears, enter the Oceanwide tripcode and number of PIFs you want to generate. You can also click the up or down arrows to generate more or fewer PIFs.  You now have the desired number of PIFs, which can be sent to your clients.

2. Automatically Included Scuba Diving Questionnaire

When your clients add polar diving to their cruise reservations, the PIFs you generate for them will automatically include the necessary scuba diving questionnaire. These questions cover everything from the clients’ diving certifications to their familiarity with cold-water dry suit diving.

3. Detect Your Client’s Native Language (German or English)

German bookings will be automatically detected, generating PIFs in the German language. This will make it easier for your German-speaking clients to fill in the required information. You can also manually change the language in the URL copy of a PIF by adding “/de” to the end of the page address. Removing the “/de” will cause the URL PIF to revert to English.

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