Valoración general basada en 1.084 votos
por Yael Orgad

Great and unforgettable experience. Ship best suited for this kind of trip. Crew excellent from waiters and maintenance staff to great guides and Florence as the head of expedition did a wonderful job

por Marc Croon

Trip was 1 to 2 days too long because there was not much more to see; kayaking was overbooked hence durations were halved and this for a very expensive price; food and crew was good

por ugo giuliano


por eveline vaane

The scale of the surroundings of sea and mountains is both overwhelming and humbling. Nature nearly devoid of humans is wonderful but seeing their scattered remains brings shame. Svalbard heightens the aware

por Floriana Rauco

Esperienza emozionante - vero spirito artico - cruise in zodiac e passeggiate artiche sempre piene di sorprese! Guide esperte ed eccellenti e sempre a disposizione. Personale della nave preparato e professio

por Horst Heilmann

Wir durften wunderbare Landschaften, eine artenreiche Tierwelt und ein super Team erleben.

por Zvone Zigon

This was definitely one of the best adventures ever. Interresting, exotic, with calm sea, well organized. But most of all it was the GOOD VIBE among the staff which you simply feel. You might say it is profe

por Britta Blahnik

Everything was perfect, thank you so much to everyone on board!

por Tilde Hede

I experienced the Artic with its blue ice, glaciers, turquise sea, mountains and wildlife (polar bears). We were taken on expeditions in small boats The “Zodiacs” which was very exciting. The sta

por Keliane Fourche

One of the most incredible trip I've done yet, amazing wildlife, people, staff, crew. Extremely enjoyable trip with comfortable rooms, delicious meals and exciting expeditions. Surely an adventure of a l

por Andrea Kneip

Great in every meaning !

por Marianne Martens

a wonderful trip

por Rachel Efrat

The birding part was probably good but it was not my main intention. Not enough information given before the trip and during the trip.

por K. S.

Schneebedeckte Berge, wunderschöne Fjorde, ein toll konzipiertes Schiff (mit nur 80 Passagieren bei dieser Fahrt) und wunderschöne (Schneeschuh-)Wanderungen machten die Tour Ende Mai/Anfang Juni 20

por Joachim Botsch

Kaum an Bord habe ich mich schon irgendwie wie zu Hause gefühlt. Die komplette Crew hat mir den zehntägigen Aufenthalt sehr angenehm gemacht, und das gilt für alle, egal ob Expeditionsteam, Se