Oceanwide Expeditions wins IAATO Light Beacon Competition

by Oceanwide Expeditions Noticias 16.01.2015

Following a previous announcement about a competition to report back on the position of the light beacon at Cape Renard for the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO), the UKHO congratulates the expedition team and crew onboard MV Plancius.

Andy Willett from the UKHO said, “This information is exactly what we need to position what is left of the old beacon on our new chart (BA0445). We knew that our existing chart (BA0446) had the beacon out of position, but not that most of it has now disappeared!  We will also use this information to update the Antarctic Pilot (NP9) and also our Admiralty List of Lights. "As you know most of the lights and beacons in the Antarctic have been on the charts for years and we really have no idea if they still function or are even still there. If you notice any other discrepancies while you are down there we would be very grateful for any information or updates.”

Oceanwide received a copy of the new chart.

IAATO member vessels recently assisted the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) by confirming the position of a Light Beacon at Cape Renard on the Antarctic Peninsula. The UKHO requested help from IAATO in order to update their navigational charts of the area.

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