Greenland scenery

Sprawling glaciers, snow-swept peaks, and stunning coastlines sparkling with icebergs

Regio: Arctis

Bestemmingen: Groenland

Gargantuan Greenland glaciers

Enormous outlet glaciers spill between the mountains like mounds of frozen, fused glass. Reaching the sea, the ice breaks off with cannon-like concussions, splashing into the water to create the many blue-white icebergs for which the Greenland coast is known.

The slopes, summits, and fjords of the Greenland shoreline

But it’s not just the icebergs that characterizes the Greenland coast: bird-filled beaches, towering mountains, and mysterious fjords combine to make Greenland shoreline truly otherworldly.

Greenland’s northern light luxury

Not many people know that south Greenland is at exactly the right latitude for viewing the northern lights, aka aurora borealis. The long periods of darkness in September, therefor, make our Greenland expeditions an ideal opportunity to admire this surreal celestial phenomenon.

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Spitsbergen - Noordoost Groenland, Aurora Borealis, Inclusief Lange Wandelingen

Een poolreis naar drie Arctische eilanden: IJs, Inuït en Isolement

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op aanvraag

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m/v Plancius


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Oost-Groenland – Scoresby Sund, Aurora Borealis, Inclusief Lange Wandelingen en gratis kajakken

Bewonder het Noorderlicht bij Scoresby Sund

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