Valoración general basada en 1.084 votos
por Kim Russell

We came back because we enjoyed our trip on Ortelius to Svalbard. Again we had a fantastic experience with Jan and the team. Can't praise it highly enough. Great attention to detail, especially with my v

por Rita Matthias Janfrüchte

Weitert zu empfehlen

por Ralf Smollich


por Hans Zekl

Tolle Crew, wunderbare Erlebnisse.

por James Spaltro

Not only was this a great trip with great expedition crew, but we were lucky enough to have fellow passengers from the Scott Polar Research Institute/Cambridge on board who were gracious enough to provide le

por Garry Smith

An excellent trip with superb crew on the ship. I was greatly surprised, and impressed, by the number and variety of fungi on Greenland

por Angelika Denig

Greenland West our own initiative , Spitzbergen and Greenland East by MS Plancius: Greenland East ->again all guides did perfecly their job, the weather was the best, the landscape were other as expected,

por Konrad Martiny

Alles hat gestimmt. Expeditionsleitung, alle Guides, Schiff, Crew, Essen, Ausflüge und Wetter. Alles einmalig und nicht wiederholbar. Ich danke allen und dem Oceanwide Team für diese Reise.

por John Overholt

Great trip overall. Enjoyed everyone we had contact with. Great weather, unexpectedly calm and warm. Only disappointment was fewer wildlife than hoped..

por Kay Dean

The 13 day trip of exploring the fjords of Greenland was an educational and hands on experience with all the region has to offer. The wild life was amazing seeing Whales, Seals, Reindeer, Musk Ox and a Polar

por Hans-Peter Ulrich

20 days full of adventures - skilled crew and good company with fellow travellers. Pics says mor then 1000 words: see my selected fotos on Thanks to everybod

por Peter Nagel

Durch das sonnige Wetter konnten wir sehr vieles sehen und erleben. Besonders eindrücklich waren für mich Wale, Rentiere, Eisbärenmutter mit Kind, ein abbrechender Gletscher und die Natur mit

por Carolyn Ringel

A fantastic trip. The guides were friendly and knowledgable, the food was great, and most importantly, the wildlife and scenery exceeded my expectations. Absolutely breathtaking. The expedition leader and ca

por Th.L. van den Hoonaard

Allthough I chose this trip because I wanted to see polar bears in their natural habitat , and how successfull this trip was, I was most impressed by the landscapes, the “spitsbergen”, the fjords

por Margot Novak

Well organized, enlightening and varied trip on a beautiful ship with a great crew.